Olsen's Newborn Session

Never have a I ever had a baby who was so alert during his newborn session! Mister Olsen aka Oli was awake for almost his entire lifestyle and newborn session! His mom Kendra and dad, Bruce were so surprised and told me he was often only awake for a few minutes and generally only when telling them he needed to be fed or changed. Oli was so content just to be wrapped up and looking and listening to everything going on around him. I am a firm believer that babies have the ability to sense when something different is going on, a change from their routine, even if it's just a longer car ride than normal. Kendra said as soon as Olsen got home he slept the whole rest of the day!

Olsen's Birth Story

Kendra was diagnosed with precipitous births, which means once labor starts the baby comes very quickly and she is lucky if she makes it to the hospital before the baby arrives! Because of this she was scheduled for an induction on February 2nd, 2023. A few days before Olsen's due date on February 7th, 2023. Olsen made his appearance at 1:31pm on the 2nd and weighed exactly 8 pounds and was 20 inches long! (You can check out his Fresh 48 session here) He is baby number 5 for Bruce and Kendra and is very much loved by his four older siblings! As you can tell in their family session film they loved giving him all the kisses and couldn't wait to have their photos taken with their new baby brother!

A Fun Idea for a Gender Reveal

One of the questions I asked Kendra was how she told the kids they were going to have a new little brother. She told me she made it fun and gave the kids silly string to spray, she knew they had been wanting a new little sister but the silly string made it fun even when it wasn't quite the news they were expecting! I thought this was such a fun and clever idea!

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