Portrait of sleeping newborn baby girl.

Millie's One Week Lifestyle & Newborn Session

Millie's one week lifestyle & newborn session in her historic home on Fort Benning, GA was nothing short of perfect! The spacious rooms and large windows provided beautiful lighting in her tropical Costa Rican themed nursery and throughout the master and guest bedroom and some fun historical charm that I had never seen before, such as picture rails!

Since Millie was so sleepy and relaxed after I arrived we started with her individual posed newborn photos first. I think one of my favorite photos from this part of the session has to be with both of her parent's hands around her! After newborn photos Millie was wrapped up and we moved into family photos. Again, she slept so peacefully until it was time for me to leave.

Millie's session was beautiful and I could tell from the moment I arrived how cherished and loved she is! One thing I thought was absolutely amazing was how patient Brittany and Kevin were prior to Millie's arrival. They decided to be team green and wait until birth to know if they were having a boy or girl, talk about patience and willpower! I know I would have caved and needed to know as soon as possible! I know that practicing patience and waiting to find out if they were having a girl or boy will pay off in the long run as patience is something that is a highly used tool in parenthood.

I can't wait to watch Millie grow and accomplish milestones big and small as well as watch her parents Brittany and Kevin grow into parenthood! Congratulations!

Black and white detailed portrait of newborn feet at her newborn session in Columbus, GA
Portrait of newborn baby girl swaddled and with her parents holding her at her lifestyle newborn session in Columbus, GA
Portrait of a mother standing and rocking her newborn baby girl in her lifestyle newborn session in Columbus, GA
Black and white portrait of Dad and newborn baby girl nose to nose at lifestyle newborn session in Columbus, GA
Lifestyle newborn portrait of parents sitting on bed holding and looking down at their baby girl in Columbus, GA
Portrait of Dad holding and rocking newborn baby girl in nursery at their lifestyle newborn session in Columbus, GA
Portrait of newborn parents sitting in front of crib holding baby girl & smiling at their lifestyle newborn session.
Portrait of newborn baby girl resting on hands at her posed newborn session in Columbus, GA