Emery's Birth Story

Meet Emery! With the chunkiest little cheeks she made the perfect addition to the Hansen household completing their family of five! She has the cutest big brother, Marek , who is three and adorable big sister, Amelia (2) and it was so fun watching them love on her and try to take care of her!

Emery came one week early, on her induction date actually but without the induction part! Emery's mom said this is actually the third time that has happened! Samantha was actually scheduled for an induction with her two other babies, but they decided to come on their own as well. What are the odds!

I asked Samantha if she would mind sharing some of Emery's birth story. I always love hearing these stories because every story is different and I truly believe it shows how different pregnancy looks from one momma to another and the amazing strength that all momma's have deep within them!

"At 6:15pm Monday night I started having what I thought was prodromal labor / random contractions that were 10-20 minutes apart. We went to bed because we had to be at the hospital by 7am for an induction. Marek decided to be up from 1-3:30am so I hopped out of bed around 4am to get ready for the induction. I was still having annoying contractions but nothing painful enough to think it was true labor because they were so far apart. By 5:30am I called the midwife to push back our induction so I could get some sleep before a long day ahead.She called me back as 5:55am and said it sounded like a plan and they would see me later. I went upstairs to go to bed and once I laid down I had one strong contraction. Leland jumped out of bed and said we were leaving right now and I sat there begging him to let us stay home and that I was fine. One more contraction came and I felt my entire body change and said "yep, we gotta go right now!" Leland called L&D at 6:12am to let them know we were on our way. We got to the hospital at 6:30am and I had the perfect unmedicated delivery by 7:55am. Leland was a huge support and completely empowered me with his help during labor to have as much comfort as possible."

I had so many favorite moments from Emery's newborn session! I shared some of them below. You can also checkout the Hansen's maternity session here.

Portrait of big sibling giving their new baby sister kisses at In-home Lifestyle newborn session in Columbus, GA.
Portrait of big sister excited and smiling with her new baby sister at in-home newborn session in Columbus, GA
Portrait of mom and newborn baby girl touching noses at in-home newborn session in Columbus, GA
Portrait of mom holding baby while big brother gives her kisses on the head at In-home newborn session in Columbus, GA
Portrait of Mom & Dad standing and smiling while holding their newborn baby girl at their In-home newborn session.
Lifestyle newborn portrait of baby girl swaddled and laying on the bed.
Portrait of newborn baby girl at her in-home newborn session in Columbus, GA.
Portrait of a new family of 5 standing and smiling at in-home lifestyle newborn session in Columbus, GA.
Portrait of Dad holding his baby girl nose to nose at In-home newborn session in Columbus, GA.
Portrait of big brother holding his new baby sister at In-Home Newborn session in Columbus, GA.